Is your website outgrowing its neighbourhood? Time to find a new hosting provider!

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Is your website experiencing growing pains? It may be time to consider a new hosting provider. Here at Hosting Harbour, we understand that a reliable and secure online presence is crucial for your business success. But how do you know when it’s time to switch providers?

Shoppers crowd the streets in Wellington, NZ.

Imagine your website as your online storefront, bustling with activity and attracting customers. Just like a physical store, your website needs the right neighbourhood to thrive. But what if your current neighbourhood isn’t meeting your needs?

We explore the telltale signs that your current hosting provider might not be the right neighbourhood for your storefront anymore. We’ll also guide you through the website migration process and answer the question: can you make the switch yourself?

Frequent downtime

Imagine your store constantly having power outages. Frustrated customers can’t see or purchase your products, and your business suffers.

Frequent website downtimes have the same effect. They hurt your search engine ranking, customer trust, and potential sales.

Slow loading speeds

What if your storefront was constantly blocked by gridlocked traffic? Customers would either become impatient or simply shop elsewhere.

Website visitors are no different. If your pages take ages to load, they’ll likely click away from your site without ever seeing your products or services.

Poor customer service

Running into a problem with your storefront? A reliable landlord should be responsive and helpful.

If getting help from your current hosting provider feels like pulling teeth, it’s time to explore options in a different neighbourhood.

Overpriced plans

Imagine paying a premium for a tiny, rundown shop in a bad location.

You shouldn’t have to break the bank for quality hosting. Evaluate your current plan and compare it to what other providers offer. There’s a good chance you can find a more affordable solution with better features in a “better neighbourhood.”

Security concerns

This is like having a shop in a high-crime area with flimsy locks. You’re constantly vulnerable to break-ins.

A hand holds a mobile device with a padlock inside a cloud above it.

A good hosting provider offers robust security measures to protect your data and your visitors’ information, just like a secure neighbourhood deters potential threats.

Growing pains

Did your store start as a cosy corner shop but now needs room to expand? You very well may find yourself looking into new neighbourhoods with suitable space for your growing business.

Did your website start small and flourish into a thriving online presence? If your current hosting plan can’t keep up with your website’s growing needs, it’s time to upgrade to a provider that offers scalability.

How to make the switch:

Moving your website to a new host can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

Find a new host

It’s like finding a better location for your store – do your research! Consider factors like features, pricing, customer reviews, and scalability when choosing your new provider.

Download your website files and databases

Imagine packing up your inventory and store fixtures. Most hosting providers offer tools like CPanel or File Manager to download your website’s essential files and databases.

Hands typing on a keyboard with data transfer icons superimposed.

Upload files to your new host

This is the equivalent of setting up shop in your new location. You have to unpack and organise your inventory in the new shop. Upload everything you downloaded from your current hosting provider to your new hosting account.

Change the DNS

Think of this as updating your store’s address on Google Maps. This step redirects website traffic to your new hosting server. Your new provider will guide you through this process.

Wait for the switch

Just like it takes a few days for the new store signage to go up, allow some time for the DNS changes to propagate across the internet. This process typically takes 24 to 48 hours.

Can I make the switch myself?

While technically possible, the website migration process can be time-consuming and involve technical steps. If you’re not comfortable with navigating servers and DNS settings, most hosting providers offer migration assistance. This takes the burden off your shoulders and ensures a smooth transition.

Ready to set sail for a better hosting experience?

At Hosting Harbour, we offer reliable, secure, and scalable hosting solutions for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to discuss your website’s needs and explore how we can help you navigate a seamless switch to a new hosting plan that empowers your online success.

Written by: Brandi Wharton 
Date: April 29, 2024